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Terms and Conditions



Fees remain payable for periods of absence (holidays and sickness) as the child’s place is kept open and staff and associated costs continue to accumulate and be met by the nursery.



All Parents will be informed of accidents/incidents via Eylog. Parents are responsible for signing forms electronically. In the case of a more serious accident or incident a child will be taken immediately to a doctor or the nearest hospital and parents will be informed. 


Additional sessions 

If additional sessions are booked, they will be invoiced the following month. Please note that once a session is booked, cancellations will still incur the full charge." 


You must inform us immediately if your child is diagnosed with any allergy or intolerance. Children with allergies will require a health care plan signed by a healthcare professional before starting the nursery.



If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please keep them at home until 24 hours dosage has been administered in case of adverse reaction to the medication. Antibiotics and medicines will only be administered by nursery staff after the child has been taking them for more than 24 hours at home, and only then with written authorisation from their parent. All antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor.


Behaviour management

We have a written policy on behaviour management which is available from the nursery manager.  The use of any form of physical chastisement, verbal humiliation, or aggressive handling of a child is not acceptable at the nursery.


Change of booking pattern

To increase your booking pattern we require 24 hours’ notice subject to availability.  To decrease your booking pattern you must provide us with six full weeks notice in writing or by email to the nursery manager (i.e. notice given Monday to Friday will start Monday of the following week).  Should insufficient notice be given then you will be invoiced for the full childcare fees for six weeks notice from the date of any change as if the hours had not decreased.


In our baby room we can only offer full time places, so you are unable to reduce days until your child is in the pre-school. The minimum sessions we require are 2 full days.

We may not always be able to accommodate a reduction in sessions as some days are busier than others. For example if you do Mon-Thurs there may be only certain days you are able to drop. We will of course do our best to offer parents what they need but please bear in mind that this will not always be possible.



Change of details

You must immediately inform us of any change of details.


Child protection

Any child who attends the Nursery, irrespective of their racial origin, gender, physical or mental impairment, class, religion or cultural background has a right to protection from neglect, physical, sexual or any other abuse and it is our priority to keep children safe from harm whilst in our care.

We have a full written policy on Child Protection which is available on our parents folder.



Parents are requested to send children in easily washable, clearly labelled clothing which is appropriate to the weather conditions. Please discourage your child from bringing in items of value. Please provide a spare set of clothing for your child in case of an accident or the need for change of clothing. 


Collection of children 

Children will not be released into the care of anyone other than those named on the childcare registration form unless authorised by the parents personally, by telephone or in writing. If we are not reasonably satisfied that an individual is allowed to collect your child, we will not release your child into their care.

In addition, a personal visit of introduction by the parents, of anyone who will be collecting the child on occasions is encouraged so we are able to confirm their identity.  You are required to inform us immediately if you are unable to collect your child from nursery by the official collection time.   All collections must be by an adult over 18 years of age.


Complaints or concerns

Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to us. If you have any concerns regarding the services we provide, please discuss these with your child’s key person. If the concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction please contact the nursery manager. For any concern/complaint you can contact the manager by phone, email or in person at any time.


Contagious disease

For the benefit of the other children in the nursery, you must not allow your child to attend the nursery if they are suffering from a contagious disease which could easily be passed on to another child during normal daily activities of the nursery.  If your child is suffering from a doubtful rash, sore throat, discharge from the eyes, nose, diarrhoea or any similar symptoms; please keep the child at home until the doctor has certified that the symptoms have disappeared.

We reserve the right to refuse to accept children until we are satisfied that they are not infectious. This is to protect other children and staff from cross infection. Our exclusion policy is guided by our local authority. Please note that minimum exclusion periods apply and must be adhered to.


Court Order

You must inform us if your child is the subject of a court order and provide us with a copy upon request. All information will be treated confidentially.


Emergency treatment

Any child who attends nursery and has an accident whilst in our care will be given basic first aid treatment by staff. This will include the treatment of minor cuts, bumps or bruises.  Any emergency treatment or medical advice will be permitted unless a parent states in writing otherwise. The nursery does not accept any responsibility for treatment given against parent’s wishes if we have not been informed otherwise.


Employment or solicitation of staff

If, during this childcare contract and for a period of six months after the termination of this contract, you (directly or indirectly) employ or otherwise engage the services of any member of our staff who has had contact with your child under this contract then you will be liable to pay and you will be invoiced a fee of £2,000.00 as payment to us recruiting and training a suitable replacement member of staff.


Equal Opportunities

Little Angels is an equal opportunities organisation, which makes decisions without regard to race, colour, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sex change status or any other factor protected by law.


First invoice

We will create your first invoice from your child’s first day of attendance until the end of the month. This invoice must be paid in advance before or on your child’s first day of attendance. 


Hours of Opening

The Nursery is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm and fees are payable for 52 weeks a year. We are closed on all Bank Holidays. We close at 1.30pm on the 24th of December if it falls on a weekday, and reopen on the 2nd January. If the nursery has to close or we take the decision to close due to events or circumstances which are beyond our control, we shall be under no obligation to provide alternative childcare facilities to you, and fees are still payable.



To prioritise the safety of all our our children, we require all children in our setting to be up to date with all their vaccinations(unless for a specific medical reason).


Inset Days

We have 3 INSET days per year. These will always fall on the Friday of each half term as that is when we are at our quietest. Ealing's school calendar can be found here


Late collection charges

Parents need to be off the premises by 18:00. After 18:00 there is a charge to be paid. You will receive a late slip, and the charge will be added to your next invoice. The 2 staff  who have to stay behind with your child will be paid the late charge by the nursery.


Mobile phones

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children who attend our nurseries we enforce a no personal mobile phone usage within our settings. Should you be on your personal mobile phone as you arrive at the nursery can we please ask that you conclude your phone call before entering the premises.



We provide nappies and all nappy changing materials in the baby room. In the pre-school you need to provide your own nappies, and also in the baby room if you want us to use a particular brand of nappy that we do not supply.


Off premises visits

Staff will occasionally take the children for walks or visits off premises during the course of their sessions in accordance with statutory staffing requirements and parental consent being obtained. 


Parking & Access

Cars CANNOT be brought down the drive in order to protect the safety of the children.   There are Resident Parking restrictions in place 10am-11am and 3am-4pm. Please use the ‘Stop & Shop’ bays during these hours or other parking available.


Payment of fees (monthly in advance)

Fees are due monthly in advance in accordance to your booking pattern by the 1st day of each month.  We accept vouchers, tax free childcare, and online payments through the Eylog app.

If the payment of nursery fees is outstanding for more than 14 days after the 5th of the month this will result in the termination of your childcare contract and the loss of your childcare place. (Unless prior agreement has been made with the nursery management).  Upon termination of this contract the child shall not be permitted entry to the nursery. This shall be regarded as a formal demand for all outstanding monies and we will issue a final invoice and pass this to a debt collection agency for full recovery. In addition you will be liable for all associated debt collection fees and court costs.



By registering your child you give permission for the following, unless written notice is given stating otherwise:



  • Administer Calpol in the event of a high temperature ONLY AFTER we have contacted you (UNDER 2's ONLY)

  • Take your child outside the nursery e.g. to the park, pet shop as part of a group activity (children are in buggies or wear wristbands) 

  • Apply a reputable brand antiseptic nappy cream in the case of nappy rash 

  • Apply a reputable brand teething gel in the case of teething discomfort 

  • Apply a reputable brand, high factor sun cream to your child in the summer

  • Use a nursery-supplied sunhat as sun protection (NHS guidelines state that “head lice are extremely unlikely to be transmitted by sharing hats, combs or pillows”)

  • Take and display photographs in the nursery or on outings which may include your child (note: photos are printed on our premises on nursery cameras, and images are afterwards deleted)

  • Take photos on another parent’s camera for the purposes of recording their child’s birthday/last day or other memorable occasion 

  • Share photos through our online learning journey (Eylog) with other nursery parents where all your children appear in a group photo. Eylog have their own terms and conditions regarding the viewing of media using their platform



Personal property

The Nursery does not accept responsibility for loss or damage of personal property brought on to the premises by children or parents.



We take all safeguarding matters very seriously. Our premises are secure and all our staff are DBS-checked. We also have a safeguarding lead onsite at all times. It is mandatory for all staff to undergo Child Protection training.



It is our aim to allow each child time for settling in, so that they can begin to form relationships with their carers and become familiar with the nursery surroundings. Each child and their needs differ so the length of time for settling in will vary. We find two weeks’ settling is about right. Before your child is due to start we will contact you to arrange settling in times that are suitable for all of us.



We will notify parents should their child become ill at the nursery. We reserve the right to remove the child to hospital in an emergency. 


Social Services

It is our obligation to require or seek professional advice or actions from the local social services team if we suspect a child is suffering from harm. We have an obligation to report any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or abused to the relevant authorities. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you.


Termination of Contract

If you no longer wish to maintain your child’s place at the nursery you will be required to give six full weeks notice in writing or by email to the nursery manager (i.e. notice given Monday to Friday will start Monday of the following week).  Little Angels reserve the right to exclude a child from nursery for any breach of the childcare contract. We may terminate your childcare contract if your child’s behaviour at the nursery is deemed by us to be unacceptable or endanger the safety and well-being of other children at the nursery. 



Fresh drinking water is available to all children throughout the day.  For the older children water is available for them to help themselves when thirsty, this promotes independence and self-help skills. For the younger children water will be available and offered throughout the day alongside designated snack and meal times in either beakers or cups depending upon the age and stage of development of the children.  All children will be encouraged by the staff to drink water throughout the day as part of our commitment to offering healthy food and drink options.

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